Approved at the October 18, 2017 General Membership Meeting 


Article 1 - Name 

The name of the organization will be the Assabet Valley Camera Club. 

Article 2 - Purpose

The purpose of the Club will be, through mutual cooperation with its members, to aid, encourage and promote all persons interested in photography. 

Article 3 - Membership 

Section 3.1 

Any individual interested in photography may make application for membership in the Club without discrimination as to race, color, national origin, religion, sex or age. 

Section 3.2

Application for membership may be made to any officer of the Club, who will forward it to the Treasurer. The annual dues are payable to the club at the time of application for membership. 

Section 3.3 

Membership privileges include: 

  • Receiving Club newsletters and bulletins. 

  • Competing in Club sponsored competitions. 

  • To be able to run for and hold Club offices. 

  • To be able to chair and/or serve on Club committees. 

  • To participate in Club sponsored activities such as field trips and workshops. 

  • To have a voice in making Club decisions. 

Section 3.4

Any member whose dues have not been paid on or before the first meeting in October shall lose all membership privileges until such dues are paid in full. 

Section 3.5 

It will be the duty of the Treasurer to maintain a current membership list and inform the Executive Committee of any members in arrears on their dues. 

Article 4 - Dues 

The annual dues for the Club will be determined by a majority vote, provided there is a quorum of at least 2/3 members of the Executive Committee. The dues will cover membership from September 1 until August 31. A separate rate for dues will be set for individuals and families, a family being defined as a group of members residing in the same household. The Executive Committee may also set dues for members who join the Club after January 1st at a pro rated discount. 

Article 5 - Meetings 

Regular meetings will be held on the first and third Wednesday of the month, from September through May. The Executive Committee may change the meeting date for any particular month if it conflicts with a holiday or for some other significant reason. An end- of-the-year meeting held on the first Wednesday in June will be the annual meeting for the election of officers for the next Club year. Special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Committee or by request by any member of the Club for any purposes in the Club's interest. 

Article 6 - Officers 

The officers of the Club will be the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Directors. 

Section 6.1 - Duties of the President The President shall: 

  • Preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee. 

  • Appoint members of the Club to chair any special committees or specific assignments.

  • Assume active leadership in the Club with help from the other Officers and Directors to direct and create Club policies and procedures. 

  • Sign any official document pertinent to the Club's business and affairs. 

Section 6.2 - Duties of the Vice-President The Vice-President shall: 

  • Assume the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. 

  • Become familiar with the duties of the President. 

Section 6.3 - Duties of the Treasurer The Treasurer shall: 

  • Collect, receive, record and have charge of the Club's dues and other income. 

  • Maintain the Club's membership list 

  • Draw checks or other instruments of the Club's funds to pay bills authorized by the Executive Committee. 

  • Inform the Executive Committee of any members in arrears on their dues, of new members, or members who have resigned from the Club. 

  • Make quarterly financial reports to the Club and the Executive Committee and to prepare an annual report for the Executive Committee to be included by the Secretary in the permanent records of the Club. 

Section 6.4 - Duties of the Secretary The Secretary shall: 

  • Keep minutes of all regular Club, special or Executive Committee meetings at which business is conducted. 

  • Keep a record of the annual Club competition winners, awards, etc. 

  • Send out notices and conduct correspondence of the Club as required by the President.

  • Prepare ballots for the annual elections and be responsible for communicating the results to the members. 

Section 6.5 - Duties of the Directors The, Directors shall: 

  • Serve as Chairperson of the major committees or be in charge of specified functions. 

  • Keep the Executive Board informed on committee matters. 

Article 7 - Committees 

The various activities shall be coordinated by special committees. Each committee shall have a director appointed by the President or as a volunteer. The director is responsible to appoint or solicit volunteers to assist on a particular committee. The Club Committees shall consist of Program. NECCC, PSA, Refreshments, Judging, 

Competition, Publicity, Raffle, Nominating, Equipment and Property, Newsletter. Membership, and any Special Interest Groups. Whoever chairs such committees will become familiar with any procedures, rules and regulations pertaining to said committees. These procedures, rules and regulations will be made available by the Club Officers and the Directors. 

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Club Officers and the Directors, and shall be responsible for the general operation of the Club, and will be chaired by the President. The Executive Committee members shall meet at least once a club calendar year to determine the Club's policies. Any new policies or changes in old policies may be voted by a majority vote of the Executive Committee consisting of a quorum of 2/3 of its members. 

Article 8 – Vacancies 

If the Presidency should become vacant for any reason then the Vice-President shall resume responsibility for the remaining Club calendar year. If any other office shall become vacant for any reason, shall be filled by appointment by the President or the Executive Committee for the remaining Club calendar year. 

Article 9 - Amendments 

The Club Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote with a quorum of at least 3/4 of the members in good standing and present at the meeting when the vote is held. Due notice shall be given to all members, at least 30 days in advance to said meeting, stating the proposed amendment(s). 

Article 10 - Loss of Rights and Privileges 

If any Executive Officer, Director or Member creates hardship for the Club by acting in an unruly, distractive, disruptive or abusive manner at a General or Executive Meeting, or fails to comply with all bylaws of the Club, then that individual may forfeit their Rights and Privileges as defined in Article 3, Section 3.3 of these Bylaws. This forfeiture of Rights and Privileges may be in the form of expulsion from the Club. 

Forfeiture of these Rights and Privileges will be determined at a Special Meeting. The President will call this Special Meeting within 30 days of the alleged offense(s). A quorum of at least 2/3 of the Executive Officers, Directors and Club Members shall be present along with the Member in Question and, if necessary, any other Members who can supply additional facts. The event(s) will be discussed in an open forum by all parties where it will be determined if the Member in Question violated any bylaw(s). Upon deliberation by the Executive Officers, Directors and Club Members a decision will be determined by a majority vote, consisting of at least 3/4 of the Executive Officers, Directors and Club Members at attendance to whether to expel or not to expel the Member in Question. 

If a member is expelled from the Club, he/she may not reapply for admittance into the Club at any time. The expelled member may not seek the full or pro-rated refund of their membership fees. 

Article 11 - Interclub Competitions 

Assabet Valley Camera Club participates in interclub competitions that are open to all members of AVCC. Any expenses related to an interclub competition must be approved by the Executive Board prior to participation. A chairperson will be responsible for following the regulations set forth by the interclub competition and will report back to the Executive Board and the General Membership regarding the timelines and rules of the competition as well as being responsible for the selection of entries, collection of submittals, and safe return of any printed images. 


December 2001

1. If a member has an issue, that member shall approach the President or Vice-President to express their concern. The Executive Committee will meet within 14 days, if feasible, but no later than 30 days, to resolve the issue. 2. Nude slides shall be allowed into competition, with the stipulation that before the slide is viewed, either the projectionist or announcer will state that the next slide is of a nude nature, or that the club will have a slide right before the nude slide stating that the next slide is of a nude nature. Other stipulations include that the image must be tasteful. (i.e. no crotch shots) 

3. Anyone who exhibits threatening behavior, either verbal or physical, during any club function will be promptly asked by the President or Vice-President to leave the function. Later, members of the executive board, who witnessed the event, will vote on whether or not to remove the member permanently from the club. Members involved in the incident should abstain from voting. Dues will not be refunded to the member. 


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